
New York Patronizing Prostitution

A New York Patronizing Prostitution Lawyer discusses the crime of Prostitution

In the State of New York, it is a criminal offense to engage the services of a prostitute. Patronizing a prostitute involves paying money and agreeing to have sex with a prostitute, or to ask a person to have sex for a sum of money. This sex crime in addition to other sex crimes, such as Child Pornography, sex abuse, sodomy and Rape carry serious legal penalties and a great degree of social stigma. Even if you are found innocent of the charges against you, these types of sex crimes can be damaging to your personal and professional relationships. If you have been charged with a Sex Crime, such as Patronizing Prostitution, speak with a New York Patronizing a Prostitution Lawyer from our team right away.

These types of crimes are frequently the focus of police stings, which can involve such tactics as using internet solicitations to apprehend a defendant. The charge of Patronizing Prostitution can be either a misdemeanor or a felony offense. While the gender of the parties involved in the crime doesn’t matter, the age of the prostitute is relevant, and can affect the seriousness of the crime.

The age of the prostitute will have an influence on whether you are charged with a misdemeanor or a felony. Patronizing a prostitute that is younger than 18 years old is a more serious offense that patronizing an adult prostitute. It is important to note that if the prostitute is younger than 17 years old and you are convicted, you will be required to register as a sex offender.

If you have been charged with patronizing a prostitute or other Sex Crime it is important to speak with an experienced New York Patronizing Prostitution Lawyer from Barry C. Weiss P.C. for advice and guidance. We will explain the charges against you, and ensure that your interested are protected at every stage of your legal proceedings. We will provide you with sound legal guidance and a free consultation with your first visit. Call us today at 212.785.1300 today. We handle matters in New York City, including Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Queens. We also have locations in Nassau County and Suffolk County, as well as Westchester County.